Christmas on the Beach - BERA

Christmas on the Beach lyrics
Come home for Christmas on the beach
No snow angels by our feet
Walk along the sea and
Build sandcastles under palm trees
Sip caipirinhas in the heat
My December summer eve
You're the only gift i need
For our Christmas on the beach
Why put up ornaments on an evergreen
We've got rainbows on wings
as far as the eye can see
Why hang the lights all across our city streets
We've got stars in the sky
And sunsets you wouldn't believe
I'll make a wish
That you'll be here to kiss
And when i wake to your face
i will know that Santa's real, he made you
Come home for Christmas on the beach
No snow angels by our feet
Walk along the sea and
Build sandcastles under palm trees
Sip caipirinhas in the heat
My December summer eve
You're the only gift i need
For our Christmas on the beach
Don't need a reason to look for mistletoe
We've got plenty of love
When we've got each other to hold
Don't need loads of winter clothes
We've got plenty of sun
And babe when you dance in the waves I don't miss the cold
I'll make a wish
That you'll be here to kiss
And when i wake to your face
i will know that Santa's real, he made you
Come home for Christmas on the beach
No snow angels by our feet
Walk along the sea and
Build sandcastles under palm trees
Sip caipirinhas in the heat
My December summer eve
You're the only gift i need
For our Christmas on the beach