S.O.S Cinta - Slank - Cus Lyrics -->

S.O.S Cinta - Slank

Lirik Lagu S.O.S Cinta

Ketika Anak melawan Ibunya
Ketika Si Kaya tak mau memberi
Ketika Murid memukul Gurunya
Ketika Sahabat mengkhianati

S.O.S Cinta
S.O.S Cinta


Ketika Rakyat melawan Aparat
Ketika dana bencana dikorupsi
Ketika Manusia merusak alam
Ketika segala cara demi ambisi

S.O.S Cinta
S.O.S Cinta

S.O.S Cinta
S.O.S Cinta
S.O.S Cinta
S.O.S Cinta

S.O.S Cinta Lyrics (English)

When Children against Mother
When the Rich don't want to give
When the Student hit the Teacher
When the Best Friend betrays

S.O.S Love
S.O.S Love

When the People Against the Apparatus
When disaster funds are corrupted
When Humans destroy nature
When everything is for the sake of ambition

S.O.S Love
S.O.S Love

S.O.S Love
S.O.S Love
S.O.S Love
S.O.S Love

Title: S.O.S Cinta
Artist: Slank (Bimbim, Kaka, Ivanka, Ridho, Abdee)
Writer(s): Bimbim
Album: Vaksin
Label: Slank Records
Release: Januari 2021